Ekologinių ūkių plėtra Lietuvoje 1993-2010 SUMMARY

Ekologinių ūkių plėtra Lietuvoje 1993-2010 SUMMARY

suprantama, kad aukščiausio lygio moksliniai darbai turi santrauką anglų kalbą, kurią ir norime pristatyti susipažinimui.


Research aim: to analyze the development of organic farming in Lithuania in 1993-2010.
Master’s hypothesis is that the number of organic farms and areas in 1993-2010 significantly increase with the financial support. Taking in to account the purpose and hypothesis, we meet these challenges:
1. To investigate the evolution of the number of organic farms nationwide in 1993-2010;
2. To assess the organic farms size;
3. To investigate how reliably increased organic farms size and the number of them;
4. To assess the change of organic farms number by counties;
5. To evaluate the development of organic farms, depending on the financial support.
Research methods:
1) common scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis of the scientific references and juristically documents were used while analyzing the theoretical reasons of the organic farming’s development;
2) to evaluate the number of organic farms, their territory and problem – oriented changes, the methods of search for statistical data, analysis and synthesis were practiced.
The thesis analyses the number of organic industrial farming’s, their certificated territory and their changes in Lithuania. It also gives the identified and analyzed factors that stimulate organic farming in Lithuania. Also, it presents the influence of national and EU support to the income of organic farmers. After the analysis the conclusion comes that economical support greatly influences the development of the organic farming in Lithuania because organic farming requires more work and production input and it gives less income and profit than the other traditional industrial farming. The object of the research is the organic farms and farms in transition in Lithuania 1993-2010. Calculation formulas are used in organic farming statistics (Genienė, 2004), which help to indicate that nevertheless, the organic farms number is lessening, but the area of them and the farms’ in transition is growing. Thus, the total area of organic farms is independent from their number.


3 dalis.

Anglų kalba santrauka patalpinta: 2015-04-13

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